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The true test of our Christian world view this election

The true test of our Christian world view this election

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

So, I'm going to rant a bit, here.  (So? What else is new, they say! LOL)

Anyway, I've been seriously perplexed by those who profess to be followers of Christ, but also think that the Kamala Harris platform of unlimited abortions for any reason, allowing schools to facilitate gender reassignment surgeries or drugs to minors WITHOUT THEIR PARENTS KNOWLEDGE OR CONSENT, open borders, no consequences for crime, and using the DOJ to persecute her opponent/s, is A-OK!

If you believe the Bible as written, and vote for someone whose platform is to take innocent life, disfigure and maim children, and allow unfettered flow of illegal drugs and criminal elements, who are raking in millions of dollars trafficking in extremely harmful (and often fatal) drugs like fentanyl, and child sex trafficking, you are lying about your belief.

Former President Trump isn't perfect.  But he has a proven record of accomplishment in so many of the areas that should be of top priority to Christians.  His appointments to the Supreme Court resulted in the correct overturning of Row v. Wade on constitutional grounds.  His policies on the border resulted in the most secure border we've had in decades, if not in the entire history of our country.  His economic policies resulted in the best economy in 30 plus years.  And his stance on foreign policy resulted in the most peaceful world in decades.

What we have now, under the incompetent Biden/Harris administration, is a wide open border, sexual deviancy being taught in our public schools, and a world full of regional conflicts which would NEVER have happened under Trump's watch!

So, if you don't vote for Trump this time around, don't you dare call yourself a follower of Christ!

All that being said, as a veteran, who fought for your right to be an idiot when you vote or speak or live, vote!  If you don't vote, don't come crying to me about how much you dislike the current office holders!

-/rant off.

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